Jax4th for Windows NT Copyright 1993, 1994 Jack J. Woehr PO Box 51, Golden, Colorado 80402-0051 jax@well.sf.ca.us 72203.1320@compuserve.com SYSOP RCFB (303) 278-0364 All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------- This is free software and can be modified and redistributed under certain conditions described in the file COPYING.TXT. The Disclaimer of Warranty and License for this free software are also contained in the file COPYING.TXT. [Windows NT and MASM are trade names used by Microsoft for two of their fine products and are the trademark property of that organization.] This is Jax's free Forth for Windows NT. It's written in Microsoft MASM 6.11. The source and documentation were prepared under Alan Phillips's (alan@lancaster.ac.uk) PFE Programmer's File Editor 0.04.009. The font was Lucida Sans Typewriter 7 which shows 124 characters by 31 lines in a full-screen VGA window and was very convenient for the author. You may have trouble browsing the source because of this, unless you are using a large screen or an editor/browser which provides small fonts for viewing and printing. For Unicode files (such as UB2T.F in the EXAMPLE subdirectory) you can use the Microsoft SDK's UNIPAD to view and edit, or you can convert back and forth between Unicode and ASCII text with the utilities UNIBLOCK.EXE and UNIASCII.EXE provided with Jax4th until such a time as you find a decent Unicode text editor. .BLK files are Forth BLOCK files and should be viewd in the Jax4th system. These BLOCK files are 1024-character Unicode BLOCK files, not good-old 1024 byte BLOCK files from the old days of Forth! See JAX4TH.DOC for more info on BLOCK and file handling in Jax4th. The files are: COPYING.TXT LICENSE for this software. READ_1ST.TXT This file. JAX4TH.EXE Jax4th for Windows NT, executable. UNIBLOCK.EXE File conversion utility, ASCII > Unicode. UNIASCII.EXE File conversion utility, Unicode > ASCII. JAX4TH.A Jax4th for Windows NT, main source file. JAX4TH.I Jax4th for Windows NT, main include file. JX4FILES.A Jax4th for Windows NT, file-handling source. WINDOWS.I Jax4th for Windows NT, windows includes. MAKEFILE Jax4th for Windows NT, NMAKE makefile. UNIBLOCK.C UNIBLOCK.EXE source. UNIASCII.C UNIASCII.EXE source. JAX4TH.ICO Icon for JAX4TH.EXE. JAX4TH.RC Resource file for JAX4TH.EXE. DOC\JAX4TH.DOC Minimal documentation for Jax4th. EXAMPLE\PASTE.BLK Some utils and DDE example in Unicode BLOCK files. EXAMPLE\SHORTEST.F For testing PASTE.BLK. UTILS\UTILS.UTF Unicode text source for various utilities. UTILS\EDITOR.UTF Unicode text source for a simple Unicode BLOCK file editor. UTILS\MEMORY.UTF Unicode text source for the Memory Allocation word set. UTILS\SYSCALLS.UTF Unicode text source examples of Jax4th system calls to NT DLLs. UTILS\UB2T.UTF Unicode text source for program to convert Unicode BLOCK files to Unicode text files. UTILS\YIQING.UTF Cast the Yi Qing oracle. Release notes: 1.23 -- Changed the way UNFOUND and -13 THROW worked to make failed interpreter actions more CATCHable. Fixed SAVE-FORTH to make more sensible note of save operations aborted due to user cancel. Added YiQing.UTF to UTILS files. 1.22 -- Added EKEY? which is very similar to what I had in place for KEY? before. The new KEY? returns TRUE only for characters 1Bh and above, with the addition of carriage return 0Dh. 1.21 -- Added EKEY and cleanup of struct declarations in WINDOWS.I ... There's more to do on this latter; remember, I start Jax4th under MASM386 which didn't allow nested structures. Almost got it all though. See the Glossary in JAX4TH.DOC about EKEY by the way. 1.20 -- Intermediate rev while working on EKEY. 1.19 -- Cleanup, had accidentally left some debugging in the previous rev. Anyway, you can now definitely SAVE-FORTH and RELOAD your saved image, but read JAX4TH.DOC carefully on these subjects first, particularly the sections "Invoking Jax4th" and "Saving a Dictionary". 1.18 -- Fixed WORDLIST and related words so that RELOADing would work correctly. Limitation: don't SAVE-FORTH with any except system wordlists in search order or current compliation vocabulary. I may fix this eventually. Cleaned up the definition of VOCABULARY in UTILS.UTF and cleaned up MEMORY.UTF. 1.17 -- Added GETCOMMANDLINE ( -- c-addr u). Fixed bug in COMPARE. Added SAVE-INPUT and RESTORE-INPUT (both CORE EXTENSIONS). Added SAVE-CON and RESTORE-CON which save and restore certain system items associated with the Console and its stacks for Jax4th. This is an intermediate revision in which RELOADing doesn't work entirely. 1.16 -- Added SAVE-FORTH. To save an image, first define the reload word, e.g., RELOAD-FID .. : RELOAD-FID ( file-id -- x x) 0 CODETODATA 65536 ROT READ-FILE ; before loading any other code and then using SAVE-FORTH to save your image.That way, when you reload, the RELOAD-FID word won't get trashed while reloading!!! : RELOAD-FID 0 CODETODATA 65536 ROT READ-FILE ; ok0 MARKER FORGET-ME ok0 : TEST ." IT WORKS! " ; TEST IT WORKS! ok0 SAVE-FORTH \ a filename requester comes up \ let's say you choose "FOO.DIC" FORGET-ME ok0 TEST TEST? undefined ok0 S" FOO.DIC" R/O OPEN-FILE DROP DUP RELOAD-FID ok3 2DROP CLOSE-FILE DROP ok0 TEST IT WORKS! ok0 This sounds strange, but I'll make it simpler in future revisions. At least now you can save and restore images! 1.15 -- Fixed OPEN-FILE analogously to the fix in CREATE-FILE in 1.14 .. these are the only two Jax4th calls to CreateFileW. Broke up the JX4EXAMP.BLK file into Unicode text files and re-organized the distribution of the sample code. See JAX4TH.DOC for more information on the example code files (.UTF). 1.14 -- Added INCLUDED. Added BIN. Fixed CREATE-FILE so that it does string copying instead of using the string passed to it in place. This is because of the null which must end the string for the NT system call. S" was providing it, but WORD wasn't. Added the file UB2T.UTF, a Unicode source code example which shows how to convert Unicode BLOCK files to Unicode text files. 1.13 -- Jax4th now interprets text files! However, they have to be Unicode text files. UNIPAD.EXE in the Windows NT %MSTOOLS%\BIN directory is brain-dead and buggy. One way to deal with Unicode is to use UNIBLOCK.EXE to convert the text files you are editing to Unicode files. (It's *called* UNIBLOCK but it doesn't really care if it's a BLOCK file or a plain text file. Added INCLUDE-FILE which interprets Unicode only!) Also added the variable FERROR in the NONSTANDARD-WORDLIST which saves the last file error for INCLUDE-FILE (and probably other file-related words in future revisions. 1.12 -- Added UDMIN and READ-LINE. READ-LINE is Unicode only!!. The Microsoft program UNIPAD.EXE is found in the %MSTOOLS%\BIN directory and it's Notepad for Unicode files. ALternatively, you can edit with an ASCII editor and use UNIBLOCK to convert from ASCII to UNICODE. UNIBLOCK comes with the Jax4th distribution. On the documentation front, I'm making progress but it still ain't finished. Next to add: INCLUDE-FILE INCLUDED ... Stay Tuned!!! 1.11 -- ***NOTE*** ***NOTE*** ***NOTE*** ***NOTE*** ***NOTE*** Realized that READ-FILE WRITE-FILE FILE-POSITION REPOSITION-FILE etc. are supposed to deal with characters. They *were* written dealing with byte files which is the genuine file format of NT. SO ... to deal with this, we created parallel defs, e.g., READ-FILEA (ascii) READ-FILEW (wide-char unicode) and a DEFERred READ-FILE which is vectored by default in COLD to READ-FILEW .. If you want to change the vector READ-FILEA to read ASCII files, then ' READ-FILEA ' READ-FILE >BDDY ! is sufficient. Affected words, all of which are now deferred words, vectored by default at powerup to their Unicode versions (e.g., FILE-POSITIONW instead of FILE-POSITIONA): FILE-POSITION FILE-SIZE READ-FILE REPOSITION-FILE RESIZE-FILE WRITE-FILE Incidental to all this, of course, is the fact that a DODEFER execution engine has been added to the system. 1.10 -- DUMP and WORDS now pause on spacebar and resume on same, quick quit on any other keypress at either point. Discarded LocalLock() from the allocation of the data/userdict area, discarded LocalUnlock() from freeing of same, since allocating with LMEM_FIXED anyway. Added D>S 2>R 2R> Added a "Bye" message to BYE 1.9 -- Save EBX in SYSCALL just in case. Minor MASM 6.11 cleanups. 1.8 -- Assembly source now 6.11-style PROTOs, no need for CALLCONV.INC anymore. Added CHDIR to JX4EXAMP.BLK (useful!!). 1.7 -- Minor text changes ... 1.6 -- Added MARKER .... Added D0= ... 1.5 -- Changed numbering system, now it's just the RCS revision control number of jax4th.a Fixed headerlessness of WIDs, they used to make an UNNAMED header in the dictionary, now are truly headerless. Added UD.R U.R 1.06 -- Made sure CATCHing a -56 in the system catch does a QUIT More work on the glossary. 1.05 -- First general public distribution. Docs: Glossary still not finished. BUG REPORTS AND SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS TO: Jax (Jack J. Woehr) PO Box 51 Golden, CO 80402-0051 jax@well.sf.ca.us 72203.1320@compuserve.com SYSOP RCFB (303) 278-0364 <>